Quote of the Day

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clarification to the Last Post

I wanted to clarify something that I said in my last post as I have realized that it may have left and open door for the enemy to misconstrue what I was trying to say.

When I said Kelly was the weaker vessel I did not mean that she is not strong...on the contrary she is the strongest woman that I know, in fact she is what a Prov. 31 woman should be. She has been so strong standing in the face of these trials that we have been and are going through. All I was trying to say was as the leader of our household I need to be the one praying and leading us closer to the Lord, I need to be the example of what Jesus is to the church (Eph. 5:19-35) I am called to serve my family (wife) as Christ served the church.

I need to fervently be in prayer and seeking after the Lord and His will for us as a family. As I learn to do this I am going to strive to be that man that Christ has called me to be and to be that man constantly. God bless you and for a great read these books have been profound in my life these last few months; Heavenly Man, Brother Yun w/ Paul Hathaway, Safe in the Shepherds Arms, Max Lucado, and Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit, Jack Deere

Until He returns

God wants all of me...

During this time of trial I am learning to be content with where the Lord has us. I didn't think that we would be here this long, BUT God is allowing it. Your probably thinking why would God allow you to go through so much (or maybe your not thinking that, I have asked that same question about friends when I see their situation). Here's why God has a plan and He is always trying to bring us to the end of ourselves so that He can do His greatest work. (LK 22:62,
JN 21:15-19, Acts 2)

God has and is stripping us down to nothing, so that He can launch us into the next phase of our lives. Last summer my Heavenly Father spoke plainly to us and basically said this same thing He was taking us through the fire to purify us and set us apart for His great work that He has for us. I can tell you at the time I was excited and maybe even a bit arrogant in the fact that God would use me and my family for the Kingdom of God, now my friends I can tell you IF God chooses to use us I am truly humbled, because I know that I am just an unworthy sinner I don't deserve anything and by God's grace I have been made a prince in His kingdom.

I believe that God has blessing for us but He needed to take us to the end of ourselves and through all of the fires that we have been in so that we will be prepared to receive these blessings.
One more thing I have really had to realize is that my wife is the weaker vessel and I need to be praying fervently for her heart that it would be protected for the enemy, he seems to attack her more. My wife is an amazing creature who loves Jesus and needs to be prayed for. I also need to beware of his seduction, some of us for get about that side of Satan, we can handle the pain and suffering and when we see that easy way out, we must always be seeking the Lord to make sure that what the next step that He has for us. Do I like pain and suffering NO but I know that my God is bigger than anything that the enemy can throw at me. I must be seeking God continually and He and only He will revel what His plans are for us. For now God bless you and keep seeking the Lord