Quote of the Day

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thought for the Moment...

...well actually the 11:15pm thought as my daughter is still awake and my wife is trying to nurse her back to sleep so we can get some rest.

We were away last night and stayed down in Goleta so that Kelly could see her brother and sister-in-law when the came in from NC for Christmas, and what to our pleasure did we find when we came home ants and lots of them we just can't seem to get rid of the little evil insects and what else has happened that caused our stress level to be raised to another notch our daughter has decided that she doesn't want to sleep at night any more and I'll tell you what my wife is exhausted and it is wearing me out to see her not getting enough sleep. Why your asking yourself am I writing about this, let me explain we have been praying that the baby would start sleeping through the night I don't know how anyone goes through this I really think that we are beginning to loose our minds and it is really wearing on our "personal" lives yes we do get away for a few hours at a time but I really don't understand why God is allowing this to continue. This is not a question that I can answer all that I can think is that God wants us to learn to come to the end or ourselves to see Him in all this. Don't get me wrong but I don' t like it and really would like this stage of our lives to come to an end, I want to see my wife get some sleep and feel rested. That is what I am praying for amongst other things.

Now as for the ants, I hate them. I guess that we will have to deal with them untill we can bait and get rid of them. I'm gonna make them take a long walk off a short pier, if you know what I mean. Seriously I think that all of this and all of this stress is directly related to our spiritual lives. Think about it a lot of crap happens and we get a card from a friend that says they are looking forward to serving Jesus this next Year with us. I know that God has some great stuff planned for us. and It is my prayer that we will be able to serve in full time youth ministry this up coming year 1Peter 5:1-5. God Bless and

More to come...

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