Romans 8 18-21
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
Not always do we know or will understand why. But you should know that your Abba in Heaven knows everything that happens to you...He knows all the hair on your head, yep He has each one of them counted. There are days that I look at all that is going on around me and wonder why? is all of this happening to my family we are so cast down...In all honesty I can't and don't have an answer to that question...I can say this it does make my prayers for the Lords return even more fervent. When we leave this shell of a body and are taken up or pass on through death we will receive a crown of glory from our Heavenly Father
I have truly come to understand what Job went many people slam his wife for telling him to curse God and die...I'm not so quick to judge her as I have seen how easy it is to get to that point that you start to feel like that...the biggest difference that that Job was looking for the Savior and was under the old covenant we are under the new covenant...We have Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is that enough, it should be at times it feels like it's not. That's up to the Lord though. Now to the meat...
Understanding why? I really wish that I had an answer for you, what I can answer is that there are times that God wants to take you to the end of your ability to control the situation, He wants you to totally rely on Him and His ability to use the situation. "God works ALL things together for His purpose. (Rom 8:28 emphasis mine) understanding what Paul was trying to say here was that all that you go through is for Gods purpose, sometimes that good will happen here on earth, others it will happen in Heaven where we will receive a crown of glory, if we look at the whole chapter in context we see that Paul was heaven focused and not focused on the trials that he was facing. Paul went through many different trials, he wished for heaven "to live is Christ, to Die is GAIN" and there is not a thing wrong with that he longed to be with Jesus...I think that sometimes the trials are to cause us to long to be with our Father.
Job had no clue as to why God was allowing those trials to happen to him, loosing his kids to death, loosing his crops and home to destruction, his body beat up by Satan, and his friends telling him that he was sinning against God. Job didn't know why? We do because we have the account of the story in our bibles. We can see that God was proving that He knows us better than we think. For me I can see that I cannot handle this on my own and I don't have the ability to get through any of this apart from God. I can also say that having to see my family go through any of this is heart breaking. I long for us to have a rest from this valley to be able to go to the mountain top and truly experience the Fathers presence.
At times I'm sure that people have wondered why for us, I can say this, my God knows what He is doing...I don't know why God has allowed all of this to happen to us. I do know that it is causing folks to pray with a fervency that they may have never before, there are others who are benefiting from our suffering. Would I like to see the Lord do a miracle and fulfill the promises that He gave to us when this first started, I can answer that with a great big YES!!!
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13 years ago